This starting series introduces concepts of aquifer hydraulics that form the basis for groundwater modeling. It also covers common types of model applications with typical environmental and engineering project examples, and an introduction to the Analytic Element Method of groundwater modeling.
Exercise Set 10 describes the step-by-step process of creating a steady-state model to calculate initial conditions, placing any desired transient hydrograph points, and the conversion of that model to a corresponding transient model.
Exercises in this set demonstrate how to establish calibration targets at desired locations within the model domain, and how to print and plot calibration results as an aid to adjusting model parameters to improve performance.
These exercises demonstrate how to easily set up a freshwater-saltwater interface boundary in AnAqSim, and to calculate the movement of that interface as aquifer conditions change.
This exercise set describes the many tools that are built into AnAqSim for model building and evaluation of model results.
This set of exercises describes a more powerful method for digitizing hydrologic features within a GIS system that are properly scaled and georeferenced for direct incorporation into AnAqSim.
This exercise set shows how PEST can be linked with AnAqSim to provide a robust, spatially accurate, and efficient means of estimating aquifer parameters and evaluating parameter uncertainty for steady-state and transient flow models.
Exercises in this set of hands-on examples explain and demonstrate the basics of AnAqSim model building and use. Model boundary conditions and internal sources and sinks are described, and simple methods for depicting model results are presented, including potentiometric contours and basic pathline tracing.
Pathline tracing is explored in more depth, including an overview of pathline tracing techniques that build from simple point and line methods, to methods involving areally distributed starting locations. The application of 3-D tracing in a complex aquifer setting involving multiple aquifer layers and a shallow river is also demonstrated.
Exercises in this set describe the application of various types of aquifer boundary conditions that control horizontal flow into and out of the regional aquifer domain including specified head, specified flux, and third-type head dependent flux boundaries. Examples are also provided for building an AnAqSim model with a lower boundary that represents a sloping aquifer base or a structurally-controlled aquifer base.
One strength of AnAqSim is the ability to easily include heterogeneities (sub-domains) within the overall regional aquifer domain. These zones can be set with different aquifer properties, recharge rates, etc. Rules for digitizing and specifying the order of vertices along boundaries of various types are presented.
This set builds upon previous exercises by showing how certain line element types, and carefully constructed domains, can be used to represent linear features in a groundwater model. These types of features include engineered features such as slurry walls and trenches; and natural features such as transmissive faults or fractures.
This set of exercises demonstrates the creation of bounded model areas to represent wetlands; recharge / evapotranspiration areas; ponds and lagoons; and similar features. The process of utilizing SVAS radial basis point functions to represent water inflow or removal over the area is also described.
This exercise set shows how to create the locations of, and proper joins for, stream and river elements. The exercises also explore how to set the vertical elevation stream profile; how to set the river element stage and bed hydraulic conductance; and how to specify whether a river reach dries up if aquifer water levels fall.
The ability to create multiple stacked aquifer and aquitard layers is one of the key features that makes AnAqSim so powerful. Exercises in this set describe how to build and order model layers; how to set their vertical hydraulic properties; and how to place and analyze partially penetrating features (such as pumping wells).
The Starter Bundle provides a great value for those who wish to take the first step to becoming a serious groundwater modeler. And by bundling, you'll save 30%! The Starter Bundle includes:
- AnAqSim Instructional Series Exercise Packages 1-11
The flexAEM software tools package consists of a series of Microsoft Excel spreadsheet utilities designed to assist users in rapid AEM model development. These tools allow users to generate coordinates for customized model boundaries, precise geometric shapes, including rectangles, rounded rectangles and ellipses, as well as calculate areas of the polygons.
A quick demonstration of the flexAEM Remediation Calculators. Get a quick-start guide and simple remediation calculator file to try it out!
Groundwater Protection Area Delineation Using AnAqSim - Simple Zone II Example
This free example application has been designed to show how AnAqSim can be used to delineate a groundwater protection area using a simple zone II analysis, which is required by certain states such as Massachussets.
The flexAEM Remediation Calculator Toolkit can be used to design and evaluate a wide range of groundwater remediation systems using user specified aquifer properties and design parameters.
Our Best Value! The Ultimate Bundle includes everything from the Starter Bundle, plus four additional Exercise Sets on advanced topics, and custom tools to maximize your learning experience. And by bundling, you'll save more than 50%! The Ultimate Bundle includes:
- AnAqSim Instructional Series Exercise Packages 1-15
- Model Feature Generator Toolkit