Remediation Calculator Toolkit SKU: 95367

The flexAEM Remediation Calculator Toolkit can be used to design and evaluate a wide range of groundwater remediation systems using user specified aquifer properties and design parameters.


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flexAEM Calculator Toolkits are ideal for engineers, hydrogeologists, and environmental scientists who want to plan or evaluate a groundwater remedy. Aquifer drawdown, pumping well extraction rates, groundwater flow paths, travel times, and more can be determined by following a few easy steps. No modeling experience is required to use these calculators! Just follow the instructions and you will be on your way to designing and testing a groundwater remediation system for your project. Aquifer properties and system design parameters can be set to your specifications in simple data entry tables to quickly analyze different groundwater flow conditions and design concepts. Contouring and particle tracking can be accomplished in seconds, and calculator displays are easily manipulated to get you the information you need.